The following document is a narrative report of the First International UNECE PPP Forum “Implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda through effective, people-first Public-Private Partnerships” organised by the Secretariat to discuss Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a key mechanism to contribute to the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and as a tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The Forum also addressed the main challenges in the development of PPP standards, the role of Project Teams, the coordination with each other, and their responsibilities, with the aim to discuss actions to accelerate the production of the standards and the action plan for going forward.
International UNECE PPP Forum for the Sustainable Development Goals - Geneva, 30 March to 1 April 2016 -- Report
> The report of the Forum has now been posted on the website. You may find it here. > For more information, please visit the Forum website here.