Tobiolo Gianella

PPP entlastet die öffentlichen Finanzen, die öffentliche Hand behält die Projekthoheit bei den wesentlichen operativen und strategischen Entscheiden.

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"Law, Justice and Development Week 2012" conference

10.12.2012 - 14.12.2012
World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C., USA

To explore this theme, LJD Week 2012 will bring together World Bank Group staff, senior officials from other international financial institutions, international development practitioners, government officials, lawyers, judges, scholars and representatives from civil society.  LJD Week 2012 will be a World Bank Group-wide event co-organized by the World Bank’s Legal Vice Presidency, IFC and MIGA Legal Departments, and ICSID. In addition,  the formal launch of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (GFLJD) and dedicated sessions led by its Thematic Working Groups (TWG) will take place during the week.

A session on public-private partnerships entitled "Instruments and Tools of Public-Private Partnerships: Ensuring the Foundations of an Equal and Effective Access to Infrastructure" will be held on the morning of Thursday, December 13, followed by a networking lunch coordinated by the French Conseil d'Etat to discuss the possible establishment of a PPP Community of Practice.

For more information, visit:,,contentMDK:23215067~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:445634,00.html

Videos, slides and summary notes: PPP in Infrastructure Resource Center
