Kurt Signer

Das Lebenszyklusmodell ist ein wegleitender PPP-Kerngedanke für die Weiterentwicklung des Immobilienmanagements der öffentlichen Hand.

Alle Veranstaltungen

Connecting Europe with Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) - When and How To Do It

11.09.2013 - 12.09.2013
Maastricht, NL

European Institute of Public Administration

The workshop addresses four key questions crucial to choices about investment projects:

  • Is a proposed public sector capital investment project financially viable and/or economically beneficial?
  • When is PPP the right way to implement capital investment projects?
  • How should you procure complex public sector capital investment projects?
  • How can PPP projects be financed?

Find out more: Programme | Online registration | Complete information package (PDF)
