Armin Haymoz

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II International Conference PPP for Cities “Governance among Partners in Public-Private Partnerships"

Barcelona, Spain

On behalf of the UNECE PPP Specialist  Centre in Smart and Sustainable Cities, Barcelona, Spain, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the II International Conference PPP for Cities “Governance among Partners in Public-Private Partnerships" that will take place in Barcelona on 17 November 2016. Please mark it in your calendar. The meeting takes place in the context of the Smart City Expo World Congress in Fira Barcelona. 

The Conference organised by The Specialist Centre on Public Private Partnership in Smart and Sustainable Cities from IESE Business School will discuss and debate about how Governance is a key issue to guarantee the success of PPP projects. During the Conference, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from experts and from examples of real PPP projects, on how Governance, and other topics have been essential to guarantee the goals reached on PPP projects. During the Conference, presentations will have a special scope in showing how People-first PPPs are strong tools to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Information about the meeting can be found here.  See below the attached programme of the session. 

In addition to the Conference, the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence and the PPP Specialist  Centre in Smart and Sustainable Cities would like to invite you to participate in the Workshop that will present the PPP Project Proposal "Tanzania project on Women Empowerment", which will take place at the IESE premises on 18 November at 10:00. Please confirm your registration directly to Ms. Carlota Monner at 

Participation is free of charge for delegates. 

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at this link. 
