Jacky Gillmann

PPP erfordert Überlegungen übers reine Bauen hinaus, was für alle Beteiligten von Vorteil ist.

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International UNECE PPP Forum for the Sustainable Development Goal

30.03.2016 - 01.04.2016

As you are aware, the UNECE PPP work is focused on assisting countries with project preparation by developing PPP standards and recommendations to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to advance on the work of the standards in various sectors, the UNECE is organising a PPP Forum in Geneva on 30 March - 1 April 2016. The Forum will consist of a plenary discussion with a number of different work streams taking place in parallel with a focus on health, transport, water and sanitation, water management, renewable energy etc. Other high level sessions will be held including:

  • A high level debate on the role of PPP in advancing the UN 2030 Agenda; and
  • An open platform where governments and the private sector can present inspiring practical projects that address the SDGs and which can inspire other PPP practitioners around the world.

The Forum has the following five objectives

  1. To finalise the first standards and recommendations;
  2. To make progress with the others started, thereby improving efficiency and transparency in the process;
  3. To ensure that the standard-making process is properly managed under the UNECE intergovernmental process and is fully accountable to this intergovernmental process;
  4. To identify and showcase concrete cases of PPPs which meet the SDGs so that they themselves can inspire others; and
  5. To involve NGOs, with sometimes different perspectives on PPPs, so that their ‘voice’ in the recommendations and standards can be heard.  

Participation is free of charge and if you plan to join us for the Forum, you are kindly requested to complete the online registration at your earliest convenience.


