Jakob Baumann
PPP-Projekte rufen nach abteilungsübergreifenden Lösungen mit dem privaten Partner und sind damit Motoren für Kulturwandel.
21.02.2012 - 24.02.2012
Palais des Nations, Genf
PPP Days 2012 is being jointly hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the World Bank Institute, and the Asian Development Bank, at the United Nations building (Palais des Nations), Geneva, Switzerland, on 21-24 February 2012. As you are aware, PPP Days is the premier global meeting for PPP stakeholders. Since 2006, PPP Days has become the place for practitioners to network and learn from peers and counterparts from other countries. The main theme of PPP Days 2012 is "Strengthening institutions and frameworks for better PPP delivery"