Jacky Gillmann

PPP erfordert Überlegungen übers reine Bauen hinaus, was für alle Beteiligten von Vorteil ist.

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The Possibilities of Combining PPPs and EU Funds

Vilnius, Litauen

The Lithuanian PPP Association kindly invites you to the international Conference ‘The Possibilities of Combining PPPs and EU Funds’, organised under the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The conference is intended for all those interested in Public Private Partnership opportunities in EU as well as working directly in the field.

During the conference international PPP experts will provide their insights and discuss the following topics:

  • Strategic initiatives of PPP’s in Europe
  • European Directive for Concession Contracts
  • Blending of the EU Structural Funds and PPPs and other.

Time: November 8th, 2013 (registration starts at 8:30)

Place: Artis Hotel Vilnius, Lithuania (11/23 Liejyklos str.)

Speakers:  Yann Sebastien Simon Pleindoux, Rebel Group (Netherlands), Ernst Peter Walter, Public Private Concepts GmbH (Germany), Magdalena Zawadzka, Centrum PPP (Poland), Bartosz Mysiorski, Centrum PPP (Poland), Andrius Siaudinis, PPP Association (Lithuania), Vytautas Kalmatavicius, Triniti (Lithuania), Julia Prescot, Meridiam Infrastructure (UK)

For more information and registration please see the program and visit https://pppconference.eventbrite.co.uk.
