Jacky Gillmann
PPP erfordert Überlegungen übers reine Bauen hinaus, was für alle Beteiligten von Vorteil ist.
05.02.2013 - 06.02.2013
Geneva, Switzerland
The fifth session of the Team of Specialists on PPP (TOS PPP) will take place at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on 5-6 February 2013. The session will focus on topical issues that were discussed in Geneva at PPP Days 2012 and at the fourth session of TOS PPP from 21 to 24 February 2012. One of the main themes will be how to identify best practice in sectors and how to adopt and adapt the most appropriate PPP models.
Here's the link to the final programme of the fifth session of the Team of Specialists on PPPs (5-6 February 2013, Salle XIX), together with four Conference Room Papers on the following topics:
These documents will be introduced by the secretariat in the course of the fifth session and the action points are expected to be included in the Team's programme of work for 2013.